And London Bridge Came Falling Down…

The campaign will focus on the economy or ethics and accountability.
“Pocketbook issues drive elections, they’re boring. Ethics and accountability and some of the sensational things that have happened in the last week could garner people’s attention – and if they get angry, it could be bad news for the Conservatives.”
Nik Nanos, Nanos Research
With recent polls favoring status-quo, Nanos told CTV, “The same poll showed that 22% of Canadians were undecided … We’ll see movement [in the polls], especially in the first part of the campaign.”
If the government doesn’t fall on the budget as expected, it will fall on a Liberal Non-Confidence Motion concerning the finding of contempt of the Harper Government.
If the government be defeated, Harper will have no choice but to go to the Governor General and drop the writ calling the fourth election in seven years.
Anything can happen in this election. Either Harper wins a majority or the Liberals replace him.
The Conservatives have been found in contempt for misleading Parliament on costs for the ‘Tough on Crime’ agenda and on the word “not” that was inserted in a CIDA document. This motion of contempt would join the slew of misfortune for the Conservatives which include RCMP investigations into senior members and party organizers, the law suit for overspending and using a fraudulent method of transferring cash.
Feel Free to read the feature on the Harper Government for all the details.
Food prices and item prices are on the rise. A basic list of items that used to cost $15 five years ago now costs around $25 – $30.
If the Conservatives dropped their high propaganda, fighter jets, corporate tax cuts, billions in new super prisons, maybe they would have room for senior care, healthcare, and education improvements. However, the only reason why these improvements barely appear in the budget is because they’re desperate to hold onto power. Let us not forget that they filled the senate with salaries to pay and in the end of the day, the conservative bureaucracy reaps the benefits over Canadian losses.
You don’t need a formal document to be in your hands to know that the price of living is rising under Harper and he and his government have no intentions of making the prudent economic choices to reverse or subsidize it.
Maybe once every Canadian has lost their job or home as the pressure mounts, they will allow citizens to seek refuge in those brand new super prisons for criminals that don’t exist. Why lock up a criminal when you can prevent one from forming?
Let us not forget that we were dug into $56 billion deficit and like in Mulroney’s times, Tory times are going to be tough times. Therefore, the economy will not save Harper as people can’t possibly afford a government that doesn’t support its people – democratically or financially.
Overall, when the Conservatives scream that we’re going to be faced with a coalition if we let the opposition have a shot, let us not forget that they did the same when they were in Ignatieff’s current position 5 years ago – but at least, Ignatieff is willing to fight this one even if the polls aren’t in his favor.