Harper Never Believed in Canadian Democracy and Values
Before reading this article, it is strongly recommended that you read Conservative Party Riddled in Scandal.
What is the value of democracy in the eyes of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party? Can it be bought? Can we claim that because we are in power, we have the right to suit our own political needs? Can we spend tax payer’s money to suit our own interests and not theirs?
These are some rough questions. Considering the latest fiasco where the Conservatives are using public office and public money to support their campaigns and political agendas, one must wonder what else they may have done or plan on doing that we just don’t know yet.
The media could not hide the allegations of Kenney’s abuse over power just as they cannot hide the fact that $1 million more was spent in the 2006 election than allowed. So what’s the big deal? The Conservatives broke a level playing field to gain an advantage at the polls. They also used fraudulent invoices to get tax payer money in the form of rebates from Elections Canada.
The issue is that Stephen Harper doesn’t care about our democracy. He shut it down twice to avoid defeat and accountability. Ironic because he campaigned on accountability after the sponsorship scandal, but he won with a scandal of his own.
Jason Kenney is just another example. Sending letters out in the government’s name to fund his campaign that will target ethnic groups because they are ethnic and not because they want to care about their needs, isn’t that not unethical? Who gave him the right to use the government’s name to use as his own header? Like usual, a staffer falls for the big guy.
So you disagree with a report and you want to say something else. Why not just edit the report and doctor it to suit your needs. Take it from Bev Oda, it’s okay to make up the facts.
Come to think of it, the Conservatives have a nature of making it up as they go along. Remember that iPod tax?
That was a cheap shot. Here is a classic: In 2008, they denied the upcoming recession.
Harper wants to give the richest companies in the country $6 billion tax grabs. Ignatieff objects to this idea. And now, Conservative ads claim that Ignatieff wants to tax companies by $6 billion dollars. All Ignatieff wants to do is freeze corporate tax rates, but that wouldn’t help the Tory’s ‘Liberals are tax and spend’ brainwashing tactic. To read more, read: Who Deserves More Money, Corperations of Families?
Here is a brief history lesson. The seven percent GST, the tax that you pay when you buy things, was introduced by Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in the late 1980s, early 1990s. (Read This for Proof) Here is another history lesson, Chretien’s Liberals from 1993 to 2003 cut Conservative spending after Mulroney built the second largest deficit in the nation’s history. (Read this for proof) Wait? Second largest deficit? Yes. What about the largest? Take a look at Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty. (Read this for proof) So who exactly is a tax and spend Liberal?
An article on CTV said that the Prime Minister apologized after booting the media out of a room at the Indian high commission on Friday just as Michael Ignatieff was about to speak. With Harper’s latest tracks to cover, the last thing he needs is a speech from the all-mighty Ignatieff to keep the scandal in people’s minds. All Harper wants is for the scandals to disappear so that he can win a majority and get rid of the left-wing, socialist ideology – the heart of Canada.
Stephen Harper isn’t in it for you; he’s in it for himself. Sound familiar to you?