Election 2011 Day 7 If Elected, Harper Will Scrap Democracy

The only April fools joke that happened today was the spoof of Liberal Candidate Justin Trudeau’s campaign posters sending smartphones to porn sites. Stealing democracy, however, isn’t a joke – this is what Conservative Leader Stephen Harper indirectly announced today. If elected, he would scrap ‘per-vote subsidies’ that would effectively destroy the opposition parties.
“This enormous cheque that keeps piling into parties every month whether they raise any money or not that means we’re constantly having campaigns, the war chests are always full for another campaign.
You lose one, immediately in come the cheques, you’re ready for the next one even if you didn’t raise a dime.”
Stephen Harper
In Quebec City, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe was quick to pounce saying, “Parties [that are] trying to break through, like the Greens, would have practically no means. That guy would be happy with no opposition and no Parliament.”
Stephen Harper has already restricted the amount of questions his party can be asked and how close the media can get to him during his campaign.
Two French questions and two English questions are allowed per stop by all reporters collectively and as CTV reported, the fence kept them 12 meters away from Harper himself while allowing his choreographed audience take seat in front of him.
Harper was questioned about the limits, and he told the crowd of reporters, “Well, you know, if there are other subjects that I am not addressing, I’ll take them. One subject.”
Conservative restrictions have since isolated Conservative events from outside media and was placed to keep a positive tone around the Conservative campaign. It restricts the canvas of what people can see when it comes to the Conservative Party.
While Harper closes his doors in a desperate attempt to stay in power, the Liberals and NDP open theirs offering transparency and a full inside look and a non-restrictive access to media. On April 3 at 11am, the Liberals are set to hold a large town hall meeting that will be aired live online where people that are attending online and in person can get to know the Liberal Platform and question it.
For online viewers, you can ask your questions now at this website: http://www.liberal.ca/live/
The Conservative Party is the richest of the political parties and an end of subsidies would directly benefit their cause.
The Conservative Government was found in contempt because it lied about the costs of important bills to the House of Commons. This can also be added to a longer list of deeds that Harper has done in his five years of governance.
Harper’s elections in 2008 and now in 2011 are both bids for a majority government – one self-provoked and the other once found in contempt.
Harper abused Canadian democratic laws while he was in power, if he was given a majority government, what would stop the actions that he is capable of doing?
Harper has already limited the questions and positioning of the media in an attempt to dodge questions about his daily scandals and his lie about coalition governments.
Stephen Harper wanted a coalition government in 2004 to topple the governing Liberals in the same manner that the Liberals and NDP proposed in 2008 when Harper threatened the subsidies that keep their voices alive.
On March 30, Michael Ignatieff accepted Harper’s challenge on a one on one debate which he later backed out of. By doing so, Harper directly plays into his opposition’s strategy which wishes to pin him as untrustworthy and unable to keep his word. There is a long list of Conservative lies, but the debate flop and the coalition lie will prove to hurt the Conservatives in the end.
Harper changed his mind on coalitions as quickly as it didn’t benefit him. Harper changed his mind on his one on one debate 24 hours after Ignatieff feistily accepted his invite saying “anytime, anywhere.” Can you trust a man who goes back on his word?