Harper, Do you Believe in Free Speech?

We can give Harper credit for sending in Canadian planes to Libya to help the fight against Muammar al-Gaddafi who has spent a lot of energy quelling his people by attacking them abruptly – but the Liberals would have done the same thing anyway.
However, when it comes to democracy and human rights on Canadian soil, Harper is lacking on the very credential that he claims to defend.
From throwing non-conservatives out of campaign rallies to the G8/G20 fiasco with police brutality to the ballot box disruption in 2008 and the quest to destroy 700 votes that were marked by students at Guelph University in this past week.
As we reflect to nearly 30 years of freedom in our great country, we never take into account the consequence of the wrong decision that could lead to its disappearance.
Harper has proved on several accounts that he does not care about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or the matter at which that government is accountable to the people and the opposition parties’ confidence – and this was with a minority government.
Now Harper tours the country warning that if he doesn’t receive a majority – which would effectively give him next to absolute power for 4 uninterrupted years – Canada will be faced with a coalition featuring the ‘socialists’ and the ‘separatists.’
It is clear that a coalition will not happen, and should it happen, it is a reflection of the 60% of Canadians who back the same party and principles under different people and banners. A coalition has always been a legitimate means of governing.
While the Conservatives paint fear in the eyes of its people concerning the effects of a non-conservative government, including an iPod tax that experts quoted as close to fantasy as it got, and tax hikes that never happened under a Liberal regime, but was instead introduced with Mulroney – the GST that all Canadians love to hate.
So now we are in a predicament. If the votes on the other side of the spectrum remain split, the Conservatives will stretch their mandate that continues to destroy the Canadian Identity at home and abroad. If they split enough, that mandate could very well be a majority.
If Stephen Harper can do as much damage as he has done in the past 5 years as a minority – without revealing most of his true policies in fear of defeat, what would a majority entail for Canada?
On May 2, there will be a vote by the Canadian people. A vote to decide the fate of Canada. A vote to choose the future of Canada and its government. Will you keep the ‘Harper Government’ afloat?