Conservatives win a majority government

The Results are in, the Conservatives won a majority government which secures them for 4 years of uninterrupted power. They and the NDP were the big winners while the Liberals were wiped out and the Bloc Quebecois decimated.
For the next four years, people will have no choice but to accept the actions of the Conservative government as there is no say for the people when there is a majority government – regardless of the incumbent party. Below we will compare the new parliament with the old one.
The Conservatives only needed 155 seats to form a majority and with 168 seats, they cleared that limit by a comfortable margin. The big gainers, however, are the NDP who single-handedly reduced the Bloc to 3 seats from their mighty empire and raked up 103 votes to form the new Official Opposition. The Liberals fall to third with a distant 33 seats and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May beat her Conservative opponent to bring their only seat to parliament.
Seats at Dissolution on March 25:

Seat projections as of 12:13am May 3 from the election of May 2:
Stephen Harper’s Conservatives will now rule for up to 9 years and be 4 years shy of the Liberal era. It marks historic gains for the NDP and historic losses for the Liberals.
Notable Candidates who lost in their ridings were: Michael Ignatieff, Liberal Party Leader and Gilles Duceppe, Bloc Quebecois Leader.
On a final note, it is a shame that a party that has disrespected democracy in every fashion has been given not only a second chance, but an over-powering will to have their long desired power. It is highly recommended that people reflect the true consequences of this result and reflect upon whether it is the choice that they wanted to make. This is not to sound anti-Conservative, nor is it in any way to present any bias against the conservatives, but the actions that they have waged – each fully covered on the site – are truly unacceptable to democracy and if it would have been any other party, they would also have been denounced in the present for their current and most recent actions.
The results of this election are likely due to the NDP surge that split many other ridings that they did not capture. This allowed the Conservatives to enjoy a free ride on the fault lines that were created as they conquered through ‘the split.’