The Duffy Affair: Tkachuk resigns committee citing cancer
Conservative senator David Tkachuk is stepping down as head of the Internal Economy Committee as of Thursday citing “preventative treatment for cancer.” Tkachuk was allegedly responsible for whitewashing an audit made on the expense claims of former Conservative Senator Mike Duffy. He chaired the committee since 2011 and was appointed to the senate in 1993 by former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.
“Because (the) treatment will take me through the summer, there’s no guarantee of success; it makes it impossible for me to fulfill my duties in these very trying times,” he said in the Senate. “It is in the best interest of the committee and of the Senate that I step down as chair, though I will remain as a member the committee.”
Tkachuk has been at the center of the Duffy affair as he was the chair of the committee looking into false expense claims by Pamela Wallin, Patrick Brazeau, Mac Harb and Mike Duffy – especially since the initial Deloitte audit was whitewashed.
Many of the calls for inquiries added they want to call Tkachuk as a witness under oath, along with Senate leader Marjory LeBreton and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. But with Tkachuk leaving due to health reasons, we will see just how many answers we will get to the many questions surrounding the scandal he’s at the center of.
“I don’t like to leave jobs unfinished, but at the same time, I don’t want to add to the committee’s problems,” said Tkachuk.
“Given the present preoccupation of the committee, its chair needs to be available to deal with situations as it unfolds — whether that means meeting next week, or meetings over the next few months, when the Senate is not sitting. Given my present state of health, there is no guarantee that I would be available for these meetings.”
What do you think of Tkachuk’s plans to step aside? Will we still get answers?