Attack Ads

Julian Wolfe
March 17th, 2011

Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals released two new attack ads today aimed at attacking Harper’s corrupt handling of public office and reaching out to Canadians to be the voice of a new direction. Each ad is 30 seconds long and either depicts news clippings showing Harper’s scandals or, as a novelty, displaying himself in his own ad.

Julian Wolfe
February 6th, 2011

Over the course of the next few weeks as Canada approaches the vote on the budget that is expected to be defeated, the Liberals and Conservatives will be bashing each others heads into the wall. While the Conservatives go all out with Republican style ads, the Liberals mock Harper and create a Facebook page to fuel their Quebec wing of their campaign.

Julian Wolfe
February 2nd, 2011

It did not take too long for the Conservative Party of Canada to come out with more attacks, attacks which take Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff out of context and force an unfair manipulation tactic.

Julian Wolfe
January 23rd, 2011

Canada has gone a long way in its history and today it looks at the longest standing minority government in its history. Although, when looking at Harper’s legacy, we look at a blank slate filled with spiteful and an American Republican approach to politics. Stephen Harper will not attack his opponents with policy, he will attack their person. Unfortunately, this disgusting method of politics works and is the politics that the Tea Party fueled Republicans use all the time. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party is too gentle and civil to scoop down to Harper and the Conservative party of Canada’s level of campaigning.

Julian Wolfe
January 22nd, 2011

My friends, the next Canadian federal election will be a choice – a large one. We have the governing Conservatives who have time and time again showed their closed way of doing things along with harper’s one man show. And then we have the Liberal party who has tried time and time again to open up to Canadians and allow them to interact with them and their policies. One way to prove this point is to demonstrate the restrictions on both their media outlets. Shortly after the Conservatives launched their ads based on rhetoric, the Liberals responded with an attack to policy choices that the Conservatives can’t hide. Funny enough, the Liberal Party YouTube page will allow people to comment, but the Conservative page will not.

Julian Wolfe
January 18th, 2011

Well Stephen Harper cannot let go of the notion of a coalition government. In a recent set of attack ads, he pins Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff as an irresponsible leader who wants to raise taxes with the NDP and separate the nation with the Bloc Quebecois.

Julian Wolfe
June 15th, 2010

One always is amused when political parties go head to head and it’s about time that the Liberal Party grew the guts to take on the Conservatives. While Stephen Harper throws a cheap shot at Michael Ignatieff’s property outside of Canada, the Liberal Party war room takes full advantage of Harper’s mischief in poor timing. Money seems to be the decider of power these days. It was money that brought the Conservatives to power and it’s the money that will throw them out. It just goes to show that maybe doing the job properly and fairly has more merits than defacing political opponents and calling costly – yet worthless – election campaigns and running away from parliament when things don’t go their way. That is no way to conduct a government and that is the definition of fear. Paul Martin was able to stare defeat in the face, but Stephen Harper runs from it because he knows that if he doesn’t hold on to his short rope, he will never be able to grab on again.

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