Robocall Scandal

Julian Wolfe
February 25th, 2012

NDP researcher James Valcke has released images via his Twitter account which add more links between the Conservatives and Racknine President Matt Meier.

Julian Wolfe
February 25th, 2012

The Liberals and NDP have collectively counted 29 ridings that were affected by Harper’s robocall scandal during the May 2011 election campaign.

Julian Wolfe
February 25th, 2012

In 2006, Stephen Harper’s Conservatives won a minority over Paul Martin’s Liberals. The campaign consisted of two main themes: the sponsorship scandal and tax cuts. One must wonder why the Conservatives won: was it in protest against the Liberal sponsorship scandal? Was it because the GST was promised to be cut by 2%? Or was it because the votes were rigged?

Julian Wolfe
February 23rd, 2012

The Conservatives have a notorious record with electoral fraud being fined and having four prominent members nearly charged criminally. During the 2011 election campaign, Liberals from across the country got harassing phone calls and after an Elections Canada probe, links have been found with the Conservative Party.

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