Articles about Justin Trudeau

Julian Wolfe
May 23rd, 2013

Two senators were allegedly behind the order to whitewash the independent audit to protect former Conservative senator Mike Duffy. One of which, David Tkachuk, chairs the Internal Economics committee, which is where the senate decided to send Duffy’s case for a second look. The other is long time loyal advisor to Stephen Harper, Carolyn Stewart Olsen.

Julian Wolfe
May 9th, 2013

The list of Conservative MPs against taxpayer-funded attack ads against Justin Trudeau has grown to include some well known names, notably and most recently, Defense Minister and Deputy leader Peter MacKay. While the PMO and Prime Minister Stephen Harper think it is alright to use taxpayer money to fund a campaign of smears and deceit, a growing number of Conservative MPs are standing up for their principle and rejecting petty and desperate politics.

Julian Wolfe
May 2nd, 2013

While the PMO and Prime Minister Stephen Harper think it is alright to use taxpayer money to fund a campaign of smears and deceit, a growing number of Conservative MPs are standing up for their principle and rejecting petty and desperate politics. Recently the Liberal Party got a leak of “10-percenter” ads the Conservatives planned to mail constituents on tax-payer dimes to attempt to smear Justin Trudeau.

Julian Wolfe
April 27th, 2013

The Conservative government came out swinging at Liberal leader Justin Trudeau again Thursday about statements he made on terrorism. Meanwhile, the Conservatives had some statements of their own. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said it wasn’t the time to “commit sociology” and his MP Pierre Poilievre said “The root cause of terrorism is terrorists.”

Julian Wolfe
April 25th, 2013

If the Conservatives couldn’t have stooped to a new low, according to a leaked document, they are now planning to use our money and Parliamentary mail privileges to distribute their petty and pathetic attacks against Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. As a taxpayer, it is appalling to learn the money that is shelled out is going to go to petty politics the Conservative Party can pay for themselves. This alone should be met with an electoral loss in 2015, Harper is in way over his head.

Julian Wolfe
April 24th, 2013

One week after the Conservatives launched a major “he’s in over his head” campaign to congratulate Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, the Liberals have released their first ads to counter. The ads are in English and French and both center around the message of change and hard work. While the ads change the channel on messaging techniques, could they have been improved?

Julian Wolfe
April 24th, 2013

Speaker Andrew Scheer ruled on Conservative backbench MP Mark Warawa’s complaint finding that his parliamentary privilege had not been violated by Conservative muzzling and effectively left the door open for these 12 MPs to either revolt, leave the party, or vote for a Liberal motion on the topic tomorrow.

Julian Wolfe
April 19th, 2013

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is giving Conservative backbench MPs a chance to defy the Harper government’s whip powers with a bill that would strip the whip of determining who can speak. The motion will be put to a vote next week and the 9 MPs whom are exposing divisions between the Conservative ranks and their henchmen will be put to the test.

Julian Wolfe
April 17th, 2013

Two days after Conservative ads were deemed to be failed, Prime Minister Stephen Harper took it upon himself to use the Boston Marathon terrorist attack as an opportunity to attack Liberal leader Justin Trudeau.  The bombing led to 3 deaths, including that of an eight year old boy. Harper made the comments unprompted at Margret Thatcher’s ceremonial funeral in England. Trudeau accused Harper of politicizing a tragedy.

Julian Wolfe
April 17th, 2013

Justin Trudeau started his first day as Liberal leader on Monday and as expected, the Conservatives launched their attack the same day. The attack, like all of their attacks, takes footage out of context in an attempt to smear Trudeau’s image. However, not only are the ads backfiring, it appears the Conservatives have gotten themselves way in over their heads with this attack that faces copyright issues with The Huffington Post.

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