Election 2011 Day 9 Liberals Launch Platform
Economic Priorities
Liberals will fund the following programs:
· $1 billion Family Care package to help families with sick loved ones
· $1 billion Learning Passport to help families obtain a higher education
· A secure retirement option
· $400 million Green Renovation Tax Credit to help people make their homes environmentally friendly
· Affordable Housing
· Science and Infrastructure – including a high-speed rail between urban centers.
· $160 million to help youth get employed.
· $500 million to make high-speed internet more accessible.
Liberals will cancel the following programs:
· The Conservative Corporate tax cut will be canceled, and Canada’s corporate tax rate will still be one of the most competitive in the world. The corporate tax rate will remain 25% more competitive than the American rate.
· The Conservative Public Private Partnership Infrastructure Fund.
· Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for oil sands development.
· $30 billion F-35 fighter jet deal.
Within two years, the deficit will be reduced from 3.6% GDP to 1% GDP. Spending will be reduced until the country reaches surplus. By year 2 of a Liberal government, $7 billion will be freed and a Prudence Reserve – a kind of security vault will be created to deal with extra expenses that may arise, if none arise, the money in the Prudence Vault will be used to get rid of the deficit.
There will not be a hike to GST, personal income tax or small business taxes as a result of the plan.
Canadian Learning Strategy
In a period of two years, $3 billion in new funds will be created for Canadian students.
Establish an Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund. $500 million invested in first year, $1 billion by fourth year.
Canadian Learning Passport
Every high school student will receive $1000 per year for 4 years to invest in College and University. For students in low-income families, this amount is increased to $1500 in 4 years.
It will be added to a Registered Education Savings Plan account and no contribution is required.
Part-time students are eligible, but will receive less.
The new program will cost $1 billion annually.
For students who engage in volunteer service, $1500 in debts will be forgiven. This means that if you have a $2000 debt and volunteered somewhere, you are only responsible to pay $500 of that $2000 debt.
The Canadian Learning Passport will be added to existing student benefits. The Textbook and Education tax credit would be scrapped, but the Tuition Tax credit, the Canadian Student Loans Program and the Student Grant Program would stay in place.
Aboriginal students will not be excluded, an additional $200 million annually will be invested to make education accessible to aboriginal communities.
Veterans Learning Benefit
$120 million will be invested in people who served in the Forces who help them get education after their service ends.
S100 million will help new Canadians learn English and French.
Liberal Family Care Plan
A new 6 month Employment Insurance Benefit will be granted to Canadians who need to take time off their jobs to help ill loved ones. It will cost $250 million annually and help an estimated 30,000 family caregivers.
A new Family Care Tax Benefit will help low- and middle-income family caregivers the essentials to help their progress. Individuals who are providing care will receive a tax-free monthly payment of up to $1350 per year. It will be available to families whose incomes are less than $106,000 and can produce a medical certificate proving that a significant amount of care is needed. It will cost $750 million annually and help an estimated 600,000 family caregivers.
Stronger Pensions
$700 million will be invested to boost the Guaranteed Income Supplement to help lift seniors out of poverty.
Family Care Plan introduced to help Canadians care for loved ones.
Investments in health promotion, sport and National Food Policy will be put in place. By fighting obesity, $4.3 billion will be saved from having to treat it. New labeling will make it clear to Canadians if a product is good. Trans fats and salts will be strongly regulated. $40 million investment in a new Healthy Start program to get low-income children access to healthy foods. $80 million for a Buy Local Fund.
A boost to the food inspection agency by $50 million over four years to ensure that food is safe.
Innovation will take place to improve the system and reduce the cost.
Make healthcare accessible for rural areas.
The document will be continued, the full plan can be seen at: http://cdn.liberal.ca/files/2011/04/liberal_platform.pdf