Robocall Scandal: Canadians want a Public Inquiry
A recent poll suggests that the Liberals and NDP aren’t the only ones who want an inquiry. The matter has awoken Canadians from sea to sea to sea and 75% of them want an inquiry according to a poll conducted by Ipsos Reid for Postmedia and Global News.
The pollster asked a series of questions which led to the following responses.
The pollster gave respondents the following information before asking.
- Accusations that some people working for the Tories “made calls to supporters of other parties and either pretended to represent their party of choice and deliberately harassed them or to deliberately confuse them about which polling stations to vote at on election day.”
- Harper and senior Tories had said they had “nothing to do with these calls.”
Questions: Do you agree with the following statements?
- “A special, independent commission of inquiry with judicial powers should be established to find out what happened in the past election and make recommendations on our future election rules and structure.”
Agree: 75%
Disagree: 24% - “Elections Canada will actually get to the bottom of these allegations and we will know the answers.”
Agree: 57%
Disagree: 42%
The survey found that only 50% think that the Conservatives are responsible while 47% think the Conservatives are innocent.
In terms of approval ratings, only 47% of Canadians approve of the direction of the Conservative government while 52% don’t.
In terms of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, 48% think he is doing a good job while 51% disapprove of his performance and 1% are unsure.
Dropping by 6 points after the last election, only 51% of Canadians think Canada is on the right path to success.
The firm initially took these surveys separately but merged them to find a margin of error of plus or minus 2%, 19 times out of 20. Both polls had sampled over 3000 people through online questionnaires and phone surveys
Do you think it’s time for a public inquiry?