
Julian Wolfe
April 22nd, 2011

This may or may not surprise you, but the man who is attacking the Liberals over their promised cancelation of the F-35 purchase deal is also responsible for slashing the tools that our military needs in half. Hypocrisy sees no boundary with Harper and his government, but, this strikes a hit to their commitment to aiding the Canadian Armed Forces.

Julian Wolfe
April 19th, 2011

It is clear that Stephen Harper doesn’t value Canadian healthcare – among other social programs that makes us the caring people we are. In the past, Harper and his pals have tried to reform healthcare to match it up to American standards. As Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals hammer away at the Tory misfortune in such an important campaign issue, they ask for pardon after all of their ads against Ignatieff. Harper is making a big deal about a Liberal misrepresentation of the Conservatives when the Conservatives have spent years misrepresenting the Liberals.
From the iPod tax to the fact that Ignatieff has traveled the world to abusing Ignatieff’s caucus rally, the Conservatives have a lot to be ashamed of. For instance, below are two ads that the Conservatives released and were forced to pull after 24 hours due to its class act at taking Michael Ignatieff out of context and using his own words to attack his character.

Julian Wolfe
April 17th, 2011

It can’t be ignored that today is the 29th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which was enacted on April 17, 1982. The bill was enacted under a Liberal Government that was lead by Pierre-Elliot Trudeau. While Canadians enjoy the luxuries of the charter and their extended freedoms, many across the underdeveloped world fight to reach our stature. But does Stephen Harper feel the same way?

Julian Wolfe
April 16th, 2011

Michael Ignatieff has finally come up with something that can play as a game changer if he doesn’t let it fade away. He told Canadians today to “Rise up” at a rally in Sudbury, Ontario and addressed the reaction of the populace to Harper’s actions. Ignatieff clearly makes the case that Canadians don’t need to stand for the actions that the Harper government has been doing and can say no to Harper and vote for change – stating that it wasn’t for the Liberal Party, but for Canadian democracy.

Julian Wolfe
April 16th, 2011

Julian Wolfe
April 13th, 2011

The Conservatives only had one defense when it came to the Motion of Contempt that kicked them out of power. It was that it was a solely opposition-based ordeal. Now that the Auditor General comes out with a report on the G8 and G20 summits echoing the opposition’s call of ‘lack of transparency,’ Harper will have quite a bit to worry about. From the campaign of accountability came the ‘In and Out’ scandal, staffers who are being investigated for fraud, G8 funding for borders which landed 300km away from any type of border and was used as bribe money for a riding.

Julian Wolfe
April 13th, 2011

Canada is in the fourth election in seven years and the contradictions that have been set forth by the current government could not be more rampant.

Julian Wolfe
April 11th, 2011

Auditor General Sheila Fraser concluded that the Conservative Government hid facts from Parliament to convince them to allow the Conservatives to create a $50 million G8 fund which allowed Industry Minister Tony Clement the funds to upgrade his riding. To top that, the way that the money was funded was deemed illegal. This scandal is yet another to add to the list of Harper’s failed attempts at accountability and a full public investigation should be carried through to search the “tough on crime” party’s records with a fine tooth comb.

These findings contained a confidential report that was to be heard in parliament on April 5 – had the government not been defeated.

Julian Wolfe
April 9th, 2011

With healthcare being one of the major issues in the federal campaign, Stephen Harper promises to maintain provincial transfers for healthcare. But actions that he  tried to do while in government say otherwise. He wanted to cut this money transfer not too long ago. It is recommended that you read the original post from back in October 2010.

Julian Wolfe
April 9th, 2011

Conservatives say that it is “normal” for their ridings to get more funding than those that belong to the opposition. Larry Smith is running as a Conservative candidate in Montreal and said that the unequal spending allocation was to, as CTV reported, make the political process more favorable to their supporters. Smith is using the argument that having him win the riding would bring more funding to the riding.

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