Julian Wolfe
December 15th, 2011

A new Harris-Decima poll suggests that the NDP is now tied with the Bloc Quebecois for first place in the province. At 26% a piece, the NDP has dropped significantly by 16 points since the May election. The NDP losses were distributed at 3 for the Bloc Quebecois, 1 for the Conservatives, 5 for Greens and 6 for the Liberals which shows the Liberals and Greens as the big gainers in Quebec to propel them to second/third place.

Julian Wolfe
December 14th, 2011

Jack Layton’s last attack in the May 2011 was aimed squarely at Michael Ignatieff and his Liberals. Touting that the NDP had a superior attendance record, the NDP managed to aid the Harper Conservatives in an attempt to hammer a nail on the Liberal coffin. The NDP are having a leadership race and all of them are uninspiring and on top of that, they are all among the worst parliamentarians in terms of attendance.

Julian Wolfe
November 22nd, 2011

The state of our country and the state of our government can be described flawlessly with irony.

Julian Wolfe
November 20th, 2011

The NDP have added life to the House of Commons on Thursday as they exchanged an array of literature with their Conservative counterparts. After promising to make Ottawa a more civil place, senior NDP MP Pat Martin took it to himself to send F-bombs to all of his opponents and the junior elites have been suggesting books from the “For Dummies Series.”

Julian Wolfe
November 20th, 2011

The Liberal rebuilding process will be an interesting one to watch. While media commentators have written them off, membership has soared. In my riding, which went from Bloc Quebecois to NDP the last time around, the Liberals had the second biggest burst of membership in the country and doubled what they had before – with more people coming in.

Julian Wolfe
November 10th, 2011

Liberal Interim Leader Bob Rae slammed the Tory’s recent financial statement and offered up his own recipe to fixing Canada’s ailing economy.

Julian Wolfe
October 25th, 2011

Stephen harper may proudly pronounce that the Conservative Party is Canada’s party but if we look at the trends and the likely factors that brought the May 2011 result, we can see a different picture arise.

Julian Wolfe
October 24th, 2011

With the recent protests against Wall Street and Corporations, the NDP will likely be making political gains – they are after all, the anti- corporation party and most importantly, the “party of change.” However, if you analyze what they represent and what they would do if given a mandate, you can easily see that while they are on the other side of the room, they are more of the same.

Julian Wolfe
August 22nd, 2011

Julian Wolfe
August 22nd, 2011

At the age of 61, cancer won its last battle. At 4:45 am, Layton’s wife and children confirmed that he passed away.

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