Do you remember the Accountability Act? It was a piece of legislation that the Conservatives passed in 2006 to diminish corruption by putting parliamentarians in check. It included the creation of a budgetary officer, whose mandate is to monitor federal finances. The Privy Council refused to give information on the wide range of cuts in Bill C-38 and as part of his job PBO head Kevin Page may likely be taking the Conservative government that created his position to court over a lack of accountability.
The opposition has been doing everything they can to stop Bill C38 or the Omnibus Budget Implementation Bill – the same bill that would attack and transform EI, the same budget that would attack pensions and retirement, and the same budget that would take an axe to environmental regulations to prop up the Alberta tar sands exploitation project.
The Conservatives love the monarchy and their actions show it. Not only do they believe in making the average Canadian citizen poorer, they believe in pocketing the money that they take from all of us. In times of economic constraint, what we see is a systematic theft of our money. This recent giveaway should make you as outraged as I am.
International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda’s office refuses to tell the Canadian people whether she has repaid the waste she charged Canadian tax payers for last Summer during her trip to London. While in London, Oda put Canadians on the tab for inappropriate travel costs, lavish hotel expenses, and chauffeured car service.
The only public investigation into mistakes made by the Conservatives in the F-35 purchase are set to be shut down, leaving questions pertaining to the $10 billion price gap found by the Auditor General unanswered and the acquisition further into the hands of secrecy.
The war that Stephen Harper pushed forward throughout his term is coming to an end and based on his body language, he became bored with it. Let us be reminded of how much effort and time Harper put into this war.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has told NATO that Canada will help fund the $4.1 billion per year price tag to building the post-2014 Afghanistan army, the amount of which will be said on Monday, after his NATO meetings in Chicago. So much for accountable financing…
Taxpayer-funded CEO of the Old Port of Montreal, Claude Benoit, is unapologetic over her use of taxpayer dollars for her personal trip to New Zealand. She wasted working days touring the waterfronts and museums of New Zealand and used her off days to board a cruise – all at our collective expense. During her trip, she did not meet with the heads of various institutions that she visited as part of her full-time job, instead, she took pictures. It is time we send a strong message to bureaucrats who intend to use our money for their gain.
NDP leader Thomas Mulcair said his party wants more federal funding for post-secondary education. Mulcair said that the demand was a criticism of the Harper government’s management of the Education portfolio and not an attempt to interfere with Quebec politics.
Did you ever wonder how we should be running the economy? Don’t worry, the Conservatives are here to make it clear and simple! Here are 10 steps to keeping a country’s economy in order and how to be financially prudent!